
Now the standalone version can be downloaded here.

In this work, we provided a freely available webserver, CasLocusAnno, to accurately and fast determine Cas protein, Cas locus and its corresponding (sub)type. Construction of our server basically followed Makarova et al.’s method but also with some adaptions. To accelerate the annotation speed, we adopted multi-threading in every annotation step. Thus, our server can finish the annotation as fast as possible for all protein sequences submission of a chromosome (less than ~28 seconds), whose protein sequence number range from 30 to 10500. Sometimes multi-profiles can match different regions of a same protein. It is quite important to choose an appropriate profile due to the correlation between (sub)type assignment of a Cas locus and a Cas profile. To select an appropriate Cas profile in case that multi-profiles match different regions of a same protein, we used a graph search algorithm, Markov cluster algorithm (MCL), to select an appropriate Cas profile. Thus, our server is good at selecting a Cas protein that has multi-domains. Users not only can submit whole genome nucleotide sequence, but also submit all genome protein sequences of a chromosome. Importantly, users can also submit a RefSeq accession number to perform their annotation. Thus, our server expands ways for submitting data.

CasLocusAnno 1.0 is an online server to annotate Cas locus and (sub)type. How to use it? Please read user guide carefully.

If you find bugs of CasLocusAnno, please let us know. Thanks